Extra curricular opportunities
At Thomas Russell Infants' School we provide our Year 2 and sometimes year 1 children with the opportunity to take part in extra curricular activities. All of our clubs are fun and educational at the same time. Clubs either run during lunchtime, before school or after school in which case they start at 3.15pm and finish at 4.00pm. We ask parents collecting children from the clubs to wait just inside the school gates, opposite main reception, where the children will be brought out to meet you by the teachers.
Once clubs have started, children are expected to show commitment by attending every week. Children will bring home information about the clubs that are going to run at the start of the year and a slip to return to school to indicate which clubs the children would like to take part in. When the lists have been finalised parents will be sent a letter informing them of which clubs their child has been accepted for, and in which terms (in the case of over subscribed clubs).
We also often offer clubs run by outside providers in order to broaden the amount of activities that we can provide. These can change on a termly basis and details will be sent out periodically in the children’s book bags.